Online Services


Treasurer Department

The Bernalillo County Treasurer's Office, the property tax collector for the County of Bernalillo, is pleased to offer you the option of paying your taxes online with a credit card. You can still pay by mail or deliver your payment in person. But for those tax payers who are sold on the benefits of secure online transactions, click below to get started.


County Clerk

The Bernalillo County Clerk’s Office, offers the capability to purchase Public records securely on-line using VISA, Master Card, Discover or American Express.

Customer Service Related Issues: 877-513-5465 or

Bernalillo County Home
  Completion of this transaction is contingent upon the authorization of payment by your Credit Card Company or bank. In the event your payment is not processed or authorized by your Credit Card Company or bank, your payment liability shall remain outstanding and unpaid and you will be subject to all applicable penalties, late fees and interest charges assessed by Bernalillo County, all of which obligations remain your sole responsibilities.